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5mm Oval mini (Stainless) (Quick link)
CAMP Oval Mini Link Stainless is a super lightweight 5 mm diameter jersey designed for rappel and double rope maneuvers. It is made of stainless steel so that it does not wear on the rope. Technical specifications More Information Brand...
Climbing 攀石
Industrial use equipment 工業用具
攀岩及攀山 Climbing and mountaineering
攀岩用具 Climbing hardware
鎖釦 Carabiners
CAMP Oval Mini Link Stainless is a super lightweight 5 mm diameter jersey designed for rappel and double rope maneuvers. It is...
GO 8 mm (Quick link)
8 mm wide-opening, galvanized steel quick link GO is an 8 mm wide-opening quick link, which may be used for permanent connection of sling webbing to an anchor. It may also be left at an anchor for rappel installation. The...
Climbing 攀石
Industrial use equipment 工業用具
攀岩及攀山 Climbing and mountaineering
攀岩用具 Climbing hardware
鎖釦 Carabiners
8 mm wide-opening, galvanized steel quick link GO is an 8 mm wide-opening quick link, which may be used for permanent connection...