面罩 Face masks
K'S 專利支架抗菌超有氧運動口罩
新款超有氧運動口罩 2.0 全新上市 延續上一代的專利支撐架設計 這次改版升級使用「鋅離子奈米科技布料」✨ 我們的口罩不僅要好呼吸 也讓您在疫情期間配戴更安心 兼具透氣性及防護力 不管是工作、運動健身、戶外及室內活動都超適合~ 【產品特色】 鋅離子奈米科技布料設計 口罩布料通過 SGS 檢驗報告 抗病毒及抗菌率高達 99.99% ks 超有氧運動口罩給您最好的防護 通過手洗 50 次測試並保有 90%以上的抗菌力 專利超輕隱形支架 當你佩戴一般口罩運動時,是否常常因為布料阻擋你的呼吸而中斷運動呢? 「3D 立體超有氧運動口罩」利用專利的 3D 立體支架支撐,形成完美的呼吸空間 不用再擔心運動時會吸到布料而呼吸不到空氣 「3D 立體超有氧運動口罩」讓你可以大口呼吸,運動更持久! 超輕量口罩設計 一般市面上運動口罩大多太過厚重 不僅悶熱還大大增加臉部壓力 「3D 立體超有氧運動口罩」僅僅 2.5g 超輕量設計,讓您配戴更舒適 親膚冰涼絲布料設計 使用超薄冰絲布料製作...
Hiking . 登山
trail running
面罩 Face masks
新款超有氧運動口罩 2.0 全新上市 延續上一代的專利支撐架設計 這次改版升級使用「鋅離子奈米科技布料」✨ 我們的口罩不僅要好呼吸 也讓您在疫情期間配戴更安心 兼具透氣性及防護力 不管是工作、運動健身、戶外及室內活動都超適合~ 【產品特色】 鋅離子奈米科技布料設計 口罩布料通過 SGS 檢驗報告 抗病毒及抗菌率高達 99.99% ks 超有氧運動口罩給您最好的防護 通過手洗 50 次測試並保有 90%以上的抗菌力...
Multi-Functional Neck Gaiter
Our multi-functional neck gaiter features artwork from Hong Kong artist, Yvonne Chan. Headband, neckerchief, hood, face mask, pirate, wristband - wear it how you want! Unisex, one size fits most Durable, soft, breathable and moisture wicking Seam-free construction 100% recycled...
new trail running
trail running
面罩 Face masks
頭巾 / 頸巾 Headbands / Neckwarmers
Our multi-functional neck gaiter features artwork from Hong Kong artist, Yvonne Chan. Headband, neckerchief, hood, face mask, pirate, wristband - wear it...
Light Fleece Neckwarmer
Technical, breathable neckwarmer made from a merino mix for alpine tours Our FLEECE LIGHT NECKWARMER guarantees a warm neck, even when the going gets tough in freezing temperatures. Our FLEECE LIGHT line uses a combination of merino wool, polyester and...
Dark grey
Night blue
Hot coral
面罩 Face masks
頭巾 / 頸巾 Headbands / Neckwarmers
Technical, breathable neckwarmer made from a merino mix for alpine tours Our FLEECE LIGHT NECKWARMER guarantees a warm neck, even when the...
145 Ultra Neckwarmer
Lightweight, quick-drying and robust neckwarmer made from a technical merino mix A warm neck in the biting cold!The 145 ULTRA NECKWARMER protects your neck and lower face in freezing temperatures. When it gets hot, you can quickly convert it into...
Dark wine
Green forest
Black raven
面罩 Face masks
頭巾 / 頸巾 Headbands / Neckwarmers
Lightweight, quick-drying and robust neckwarmer made from a technical merino mix A warm neck in the biting cold!The 145 ULTRA NECKWARMER protects...
MAX O2 Running Mask
Probably the world's most breathable running mask. Runner designed and runner approved. NOT A MEDICAL MASK. Performance fabric for maximum breathability 3D SpaceBrace stays off your mouth / removable for hand washing Adjustable comfort ear loops Sweat wicking and dries in...
new trail running
trail running
面罩 Face masks
Probably the world's most breathable running mask. Runner designed and runner approved. NOT A MEDICAL MASK. Performance fabric for maximum breathability 3D SpaceBrace...