涼鞋 Sandals
Comfort meets major versatility in this classic water shoe. It has the airiness of a sandal and the toe protection of a shoe. The razor-siped sole provides excellent traction, and the washable webbing upper is ready for hiking, walking, and...
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
Comfort meets major versatility in this classic water shoe. It has the airiness of a sandal and the toe protection of a...
Comfort meets major versatility in this classic water shoe. It has the airiness of a sandal and the toe protection of a shoe. The razor-siped sole provides excellent traction, and the washable webbing upper is ready for hiking, walking, and...
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
Comfort meets major versatility in this classic water shoe. It has the airiness of a sandal and the toe protection of a...
Men's Newport Retro X Smokey Bear
Comfort meets major versatility in this classic water shoe. It has the airiness of a sandal and the toe protection of a shoe. The razor-siped sole provides excellent traction, and the washable webbing upper is ready for hiking, walking, and...
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
Comfort meets major versatility in this classic water shoe. It has the airiness of a sandal and the toe protection of a...
Men's Newport H2 (Monochrome/Safari)
Comfort meets major versatility in this classic water shoe. It has the airiness of a sandal and the toe protection of a shoe. The razor-siped sole provides excellent traction, and the washable webbing upper is ready for hiking, walking, and...
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
Comfort meets major versatility in this classic water shoe. It has the airiness of a sandal and the toe protection of a...
Men's Newport H2 (Monochrome/Smoke Blue)
Comfort meets major versatility in this classic water shoe. It has the airiness of a sandal and the toe protection of a shoe. The razor-siped sole provides excellent traction, and the washable webbing upper is ready for hiking, walking, and...
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
Comfort meets major versatility in this classic water shoe. It has the airiness of a sandal and the toe protection of a...
Men's Newport H2 (Black)
Comfort meets major versatility in this classic water shoe. It has the airiness of a sandal and the toe protection of a shoe. The razor-siped sole provides excellent traction, and the washable webbing upper is ready for hiking, walking, and...
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
Comfort meets major versatility in this classic water shoe. It has the airiness of a sandal and the toe protection of a...
Uneek (Black/Indigo)
UNEEK adapts to your feet for the perfect fit, with innovative two-cord construction and a free-moving cord junction that provides freedom of movement, security and structure. The lightweight midsole delivers durability and comfort, while the higher-traction rubber outsole keeps your...
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
UNEEK adapts to your feet for the perfect fit, with innovative two-cord construction and a free-moving cord junction that provides freedom of...
Uneek (Sea Moss / Festival Fuchsia)
UNEEK adapts to your feet for the perfect fit, with innovative two-cord construction and a free-moving cord junction that provides freedom of movement, security and structure. The lightweight midsole delivers durability and comfort, while the higher-traction rubber outsole keeps your...
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
UNEEK adapts to your feet for the perfect fit, with innovative two-cord construction and a free-moving cord junction that provides freedom of...
Uneek (Dark Olive /Black)
UNEEK adapts to your feet for the perfect fit, with innovative two-cord construction and a free-moving cord junction that provides freedom of movement, security and structure. The lightweight midsole delivers durability and comfort, while the higher-traction rubber outsole keeps your...
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
UNEEK adapts to your feet for the perfect fit, with innovative two-cord construction and a free-moving cord junction that provides freedom of...
Uneek (Dark Earth / Red Clay)
UNEEK adapts to your feet for the perfect fit, with innovative two-cord construction and a free-moving cord junction that provides freedom of movement, security and structure. The lightweight midsole delivers durability and comfort, while the higher-traction rubber outsole keeps your...
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
UNEEK adapts to your feet for the perfect fit, with innovative two-cord construction and a free-moving cord junction that provides freedom of...
Voya Infinity
Brand The original sport sandal emerged from the shores of the Grand Canyon back in 1984. Born out of necessity to prevent sandals from floating downstream, a resourceful river guide strapped two Velcro watchbands to a pair of old flip-flops....
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
Brand The original sport sandal emerged from the shores of the Grand Canyon back in 1984. Born out of necessity to prevent...
一款多功能的速乾涼鞋 -- Voya Strappy。這款夏季必備單品由交錯的防潑水鞋帶和著名的 Mush™ 鞋墊組成,並配有彈力後帶,帶來極致舒適感。 鞋帶採用環保 Unifi® 再生聚酯纖維物料製成,高耐磨性,同時防止塑料垃圾進入垃圾堆填區。
快乾織帶採用 Unifi® 可追溯、可驗證的 REPREVE® 聚酯紗線回收塑料製成,支撐您的雙腳並提供高耐磨性。
Mush® 鞋墊為您的雙腳提供緩衝和保護,帶來驚人的舒適感
輕巧的 EVA 泡沫外底讓您的雙腳感覺輕鬆自在
這是可回收的款式。 我們的 TevaForever 回收計劃接受任何款式的 Teva 涼鞋進行回收。了解更多。
W7/M9 碼半對重量:3.25oz
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
一款多功能的速乾涼鞋 -- Voya Strappy。這款夏季必備單品由交錯的防潑水鞋帶和著名的 Mush™ 鞋墊組成,並配有彈力後帶,帶來極致舒適感。 鞋帶採用環保 Unifi® 再生聚酯纖維物料製成,高耐磨性,同時防止塑料垃圾進入垃圾堆填區。 最適合:全天穿著,外出穿著 快乾織帶採用 Unifi® 可追溯、可驗證的 REPREVE® 聚酯紗線回收塑料製成,支撐您的雙腳並提供高耐磨性。 彈性後帶方便快速輕鬆地穿上 Mush® 鞋墊為您的雙腳提供緩衝和保護,帶來驚人的舒適感 輕巧的 EVA 泡沫外底讓您的雙腳感覺輕鬆自在 純素鞋履,使用合成和植物基材料製成...
Voya Strappy (Black)
一款多功能的速乾涼鞋 -- Voya Strappy。這款夏季必備單品由交錯的防潑水鞋帶和著名的 Mush™ 鞋墊組成,並配有彈力後帶,帶來極致舒適感。 鞋帶採用環保 Unifi® 再生聚酯纖維物料製成,高耐磨性,同時防止塑料垃圾進入垃圾堆填區。
快乾織帶採用 Unifi® 可追溯、可驗證的 REPREVE® 聚酯紗線回收塑料製成,支撐您的雙腳並提供高耐磨性。
Mush® 鞋墊為您的雙腳提供緩衝和保護,帶來驚人的舒適感
輕巧的 EVA 泡沫外底讓您的雙腳感覺輕鬆自在
這是可回收的款式。 我們的 TevaForever 回收計劃接受任何款式的 Teva 涼鞋進行回收。了解更多。
W7/M9 碼半對重量:3.25oz
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
一款多功能的速乾涼鞋 -- Voya Strappy。這款夏季必備單品由交錯的防潑水鞋帶和著名的 Mush™ 鞋墊組成,並配有彈力後帶,帶來極致舒適感。 鞋帶採用環保 Unifi® 再生聚酯纖維物料製成,高耐磨性,同時防止塑料垃圾進入垃圾堆填區。 最適合:全天穿著,外出穿著 快乾織帶採用 Unifi® 可追溯、可驗證的 REPREVE® 聚酯紗線回收塑料製成,支撐您的雙腳並提供高耐磨性。 彈性後帶方便快速輕鬆地穿上 Mush® 鞋墊為您的雙腳提供緩衝和保護,帶來驚人的舒適感 輕巧的 EVA 泡沫外底讓您的雙腳感覺輕鬆自在 純素鞋履,使用合成和植物基材料製成...
Women's Hurricane Verge (special offer )
採用與其前身相同,使其成為狂熱的經典的堅固外底,Hurricane Verge 打破了常規,使用交叉帶鞋面和更新的搭扣,加上額外的襯墊和快乾網狀物料,以獲得最佳舒適度。這款綁帶涼鞋在性能和風格兩者之間取得平衡,提供出色的耐磨性。 最適合:日間遠足、輕遠足、外出穿著 快乾織帶採用 Unifi® 可追溯、可驗證的 REPREVE® 聚酯紗線回收塑料製成,支撐您的雙腳並提供高耐磨性,多點可調節性讓您獲得絕對完美的貼合度,這雙涼鞋可避免 4 個塑料瓶進入垃圾堆填區 輕質透氣網布內襯,讓雙腳保持涼爽舒適 可調節腳踝帶讓你的雙腳可完美貼合,注塑成型的鞋帶末端,幫助快速輕鬆地抓握和調節,塑膠搭扣開口方便快速穿脫,簡單的魔術貼開口,方便快速穿脫,而且貼合腳型 堅固的 EVA 鞋墊適合全天冒險 尼龍鞋芯墊片在不平坦的地形上穩定並支撐您的雙腳 橡膠外底提供耐用性和牽引力 這是可回收的款式。 我們的 TevaForever 回收計劃接受您喜愛的任何款式的 Teva 涼鞋進行回收。了解更多。 Grounded in the same rugged outsole that made its predecessor a cult classic, the Hurricane Verge...
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
特價專區 Special offer
鞋履 Footwear
採用與其前身相同,使其成為狂熱的經典的堅固外底,Hurricane Verge 打破了常規,使用交叉帶鞋面和更新的搭扣,加上額外的襯墊和快乾網狀物料,以獲得最佳舒適度。這款綁帶涼鞋在性能和風格兩者之間取得平衡,提供出色的耐磨性。 最適合:日間遠足、輕遠足、外出穿著 快乾織帶採用 Unifi® 可追溯、可驗證的 REPREVE® 聚酯紗線回收塑料製成,支撐您的雙腳並提供高耐磨性,多點可調節性讓您獲得絕對完美的貼合度,這雙涼鞋可避免 4 個塑料瓶進入垃圾堆填區 輕質透氣網布內襯,讓雙腳保持涼爽舒適 可調節腳踝帶讓你的雙腳可完美貼合,注塑成型的鞋帶末端,幫助快速輕鬆地抓握和調節,塑膠搭扣開口方便快速穿脫,簡單的魔術貼開口,方便快速穿脫,而且貼合腳型 堅固的 EVA 鞋墊適合全天冒險 尼龍鞋芯墊片在不平坦的地形上穩定並支撐您的雙腳 橡膠外底提供耐用性和牽引力 這是可回收的款式。 我們的 TevaForever 回收計劃接受您喜愛的任何款式的...
UNEEK adapts to your feet for the perfect fit, with innovative two-cord construction and a free-moving cord junction that provides freedom of movement, security and structure. The lightweight midsole delivers durability and comfort, while the higher-traction rubber outsole keeps your...
水上活動鞋 Water shoes
涼鞋 Sandals
鞋履 Footwear
UNEEK adapts to your feet for the perfect fit, with innovative two-cord construction and a free-moving cord junction that provides freedom of...
獨家橡膠圈膠底 防滑性能一流 Maximum grip on wet rock 透氣網面, 疏水一流 特別適用於青苔/濕滑地面 390g (1/2 pair (eur40)) Made in Korea 鞋面鞋頭有保護,避免石澗中的異物割破腳面或撞傷腳趾 防跣力比正常行山鞋高 半密封鞋頭有包裹及兩旁疏孔 鞋底偏硬,因為長期踩石頭,如果鞋底太軟會對腳掌造成不適 行澗屬於高危活動,切勿單獨行走,留意天氣報告及預備好撤退路線 韓國製造 Made in Korea Toes are protected from any potential cut or rocks 345g (1/2 pair (eur40)) Mesh...
水上活動 Water Sports
涼鞋 Sandals
澗王之王 Coasteering shoes
鞋履 Footwear
獨家橡膠圈膠底 防滑性能一流 Maximum grip on wet rock 透氣網面, 疏水一流 特別適用於青苔/濕滑地面 390g (1/2 pair (eur40)) Made in Korea 鞋面鞋頭有保護,避免石澗中的異物割破腳面或撞傷腳趾 防跣力比正常行山鞋高 半密封鞋頭有包裹及兩旁疏孔 鞋底偏硬,因為長期踩石頭,如果鞋底太軟會對腳掌造成不適 行澗屬於高危活動,切勿單獨行走,留意天氣報告及預備好撤退路線...