Intervention 10.5mm x 200m

Climbing ropes

Semi-static ropes are endowed with moderate stretch to facilitate interventions and abseils at moderate speed.

Name Intervention 10.5mm
Range Intervention ropes
Type A oui
Standard EN 1891
Type A
Certification CE
Breaking load 3000 daN(kg)
Strength with Figure-of-8 knot 1800 daN(kg)
Strength with sewn terminations 2400 daN(kg)
Number of fall factor 1 12
Impact force factor 0.3 5.3 kN
Extension 50/150 kg 3 %
Weight per metre 65 g
% of the sheath 38 %
Mass of the core 62 %
Material Polyamide
% de l’âme 62 %

Semi-static ropes are endowed with moderate stretch to facilitate interventions and abseils at moderate speed.

Name Intervention 10.5mm
Range Intervention ropes
Type A oui
Standard EN 1891
Type A
Certification CE
Breaking load 3000 daN(kg)
Strength with Figure-of-8 knot 1800 daN(kg)
Strength with sewn terminations 2400 daN(kg)
Number of fall factor 1 12
Impact force factor 0.3 5.3 kN
Extension 50/150 kg 3 %
Weight per metre 65 g
% of the sheath 38 %
Mass of the core 62 %
Material Polyamide
% de l’âme 62 %
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